Thursday, February 4, 2010

oy, astronomy.

i actually hate seeing you because it always means i have to leave.


there weren't enough stars in the sky that night so i had to resort to wishing on worlds.


[last night's dream] - i went up to the attic for the surprise and my brothers were there, in hiding. i was overjoyed to see the first and he held me in his arms in the pale brown room. the second i knew was there, i knew they had brought him. but i knew he was not the brother i once knew; he had died forever ago. seeing that new man's face in my head i knew he was a monster, a rapist. i had seen his face on a television screen, knew his face from the last novel i had read. i had no idea it would come true.


the sky is always so quiet.


i could fill many pages with one philosophy.


florida was a bowl of oranges and their seeds.


the doctor has a beautiful sense of humor.


her face was pointed downward. he had the soft, clean smell of powder.

1 comment:

  1. Well, well. Thanks for this flower arrangement of lovely writing. I didn't mind the nettle in the middle (#3) because the other petals were sweet and soothing.
