Monday, March 15, 2010

the astronaut

with nothing left to keep her sane, she flew.
Earth, a clean blue eye that would never again invade hers.
there were no visible people on the shores anymore.
the solitary dreamer knows
there is no such thing as science,
and society --  a black hole narrowly escaped.
she stretches her arms awhile, thankful
that she has grown up able
to fall off the face of the earth
any time she wants.


  1. I really ejoy this poem. This may be by far the my most favorite one of yours. I just love the end!!

    "she stretches her arms awhile, thankful
    that she has grown up able
    to fall off the face of the earth
    any time she wants. "

    If only we could be her huh?

  2. i'm glad you enjoyed this one, i wasn't sure how i felt about it. i was sitting in astronomy, wishing i could be this person too so i blended some science and philosophy, kind of a shout-out to walt whitman's "when i heard the learn'd astronomer."
    thanks for reading!
