Monday, May 24, 2010



Mortality is submitting to the
mediocrity of the bloodline,
the dirty work of the blood itself.
A cliche in plastic wrap, keeping fresh
and sticking to itself.
It's pretty silent, has not much to say;
has dumb guns for arms that cannot shoot
doesn't have a mind to speak
puts together equations to constantly find
the how.
Never the why.
Because answers are immortal.
Suddenly you wake up in a waiting room.
You will not die, you will not live.
You will toil with your friends
in the shadow of abstract eternal unknowing.


  1. how?
    err rather, why?

    I didn't quite get it.
    Agreed with the last half, but the first half is confusing.

  2. the first part begins with a meditation on the condition i mentioned in the last medical post. the term "bloodline" has a double meaning, because the condition is genetic but also found in the blood itself. and i thought of mortality being like cliches, things that make you twinge but they are inescapable aspects of life, hence being kept in plastic wrap. the two are also not extremely inspiring ideas and therefore do not have much to say and cannot asnwer philosophical questions.

    sorry for the really long answer, but i hope that makes it somewhat more clear.

  3. Hey thanks, the answer couldn't have been better. Long answer did help.
